When faced with home damage calling the best public adjuster in South Florida is your only option.  Call us at Fox Public Adjusters (561) 789-4369

Tips from the best public adjuster in South Florida
Many South Florida homeowners don’t know that they have several different options when faced with home damage. They can call their insurance agent and in turn the agent will send out a company insurance adjuster. Or the better option is to hire a public insurance adjuster. Been this article to learn why going with a public adjuster is the best choice.

Last year alone in the US there were 20 weather and climate disasters that caused property damages totalling over $1billion dollars each. As anyone who has had the misfortune to be on the end of one of these claims can tell you, the insurance companies are a lot quicker taking your money than they are paying it out. The end result is often more stress on what is already a traumatic situation.  This is way it’s important to call the best public adjuster in South Florida.

With over 20 years in business, we know every aspect of the home insurance industry.  As a homeowner, there are things you can do to help insure you receive the best possible settlement.  Here are a few tips to consider.  Follow these steps and you can help  keep the insurance companies ‘honest’ and ensure you get a fair settlement.  The settlement you assumed your premiums had been paying for all those years; not the one they will try to get away with giving you.  This article will arm you with the knowledge to do just that.

The 9 best ways to maximise your home damage settlement

First off, let me say that I am not trying to paint insurance companies as ‘the big bad wolf’ here. Yes, their methods can be unscrupulous, underhand and even seem cold-hearted, but we can acknowledge that they are running a business. Their business revolves around attracting as many clients as they can, then minimising both the fraudulent payouts and, indeed, the genuine ones.  Of course as a homeowner who is on the receiving end of a potential settlement the aim is different.  For the homeowner with a damage claim the aim is to get the most favourable settlement possible,  At the very least, a fair one.

You need to bear this in mind as you not only take out your policy, but also during every step of the journey thereafter.  Knowing the methods and goals of a company insurance adjuster is the best way to maximize your damage settlement.  It’s about knowing the rules of the insurance game and essentially, and not letting them play you for a fool.  As the best public adjuster in South Florida we know every aspect of the insurance industry.  You may be asking, what is a public adjuster?   A public adjuster works for the homeowner and not the insurance company.  This is important because in a home damage claim, the goals of a public adjuster and a company insurance adjuster are different.  One could say, the company insurance adjuster has this insurance company’s best interest in mind.  Click the link to learn more about why you should hire a public adjuster. The public adjuster, has the home owner in mind.  If you have home damage, and you decide to hire a public adjuster, like ourselves you don’t need to do much once you hire us.  We represent you as your insurance adjuster.  This means, we document the damage, file the claim, talk with your insurance company and prove to them how much your settlement should be, and make sure your insurance company does the right thing.   If you decide to go it alone, or let your company insurance adjuster handle your claim the you probably have much more work ahead.  Either way, these top ten tips should be helpful.

Which leads us nicely into our top ten…

1- Choose the correct policy right from the start

Choose a reputable company, and be careful to ensure that they actually give you all the coverage you need, or you are setting yourself up for a fall from the off.  Policies differ from company to company.  Some policies limit certain types of damage.  For example there could be a $10,000 cap on water damage.  Other insurance company clauses includes managed service provider policies.  In a managed service provider policy the insurance company decides who does the repair or restoration work.

2- Get in the habit of taking an annual inventory

This is a solid habit to get into that could save you so much hassle in the future. Even if that ship has sailed and you are in the process of filing a claim, a detailed list of your damaged and destroyed items, plus receipts and photos, give you a much stronger hand when dealing with the claims adjuster.

3 – Show them that you won’t be easy pickings

Demonstrating that you ‘know the time of day’ when it comes to your policy and their procedures can be a powerful tool in persuading them not to waste their time with their usual tactics and low-ball offers.

Have your policy handy when you deal with them and take time to get acquainted with what it does and doesn’t include. Be calm, clear and focussed in your interactions with the adjuster- a small personal touch that won’t do you any harm either.

4 – Be diligent with your documentation

Take reams of pictures. Of everything before you start cleaning. Of the original damage. Of any additional damage. Take notes of anything that might be relevant later on. Keep a record of your calls to your insurance agent.  Keep a record of any estimates you received. K eep receipts for any additional living expenses.  Try of get prices of the replacement cost value you paid for the damages items. All this gives your claim all the proofs it needs to ensure you are compensated appropriately.

5 – Document and save any damaged items

These will serve as vital evidence until the insurance arrives to note them on behalf of the insurance company.

6 – Take steps to prevent further damage

If you have an emergency that caused damage that could get worse in the meantime, ie. before the adjuster has been to the house to evaluate, then you have a responsibility to yourself (as well as to your insurers) to stop it getting even worse.

When you get it fixed, use an accredited contractor and again take care in documenting their assessments, any work done and any receipts- you can claim to be reimbursed for these temporary repairs later on.

7 – Get several estimates

This not only demonstrates your diligence in dealing with the claim but with give you leverage later if the insurance companies use their favorite tactic of citing a much lower estimate- you have evidence on your side to and a realistic figure already in mind for what you need.

8 – Give your policy a closer look before your claim is denied

Whether it is an honest oversight on the behalf of the insurers or the intent was more malicious, all the evidence you need will be here in black and white. If they deny the claim, or any part of it, that is not necessarily the end of story.  As a public adjuster in South Florida we have re-opened thousands of claims that have been denied by insurance companies.

9 – Hire a public adjuster

The safest and easiest way to ensure you get the settlement you deserve? Hire a public adjuster.

PA’s are licensed and trained professionals with the experience, the knowledge and the network to ensure you get what you are entitled to, not what the insurers think they can get away with paying you.

Working on a no-fee basis (until your claim is settled) they not only ensure you get what you deserve, but they take much of the stress and the admin off your back. Reviewing your policy with an expert eye, assessing the damage, inspecting the property, and preparing the paperwork and reports.

Receive a larger settlement by hiring a public adjuster

With a Public Adjuster in your corner you are levelling up the balance of power with the insurance companies, giving you and your family the very best chance of a satisfactory conclusion and putting this unfortunate time behind you.