9 ways to maximize your home damage settlement

When faced with home damage calling the best public adjuster in South Florida is your only option. Call us at Fox Public Adjusters (561) 789-4369 Last year alone in the US there were 20 weather and climate disasters that caused property damages totalling over $1billion dollars each. As anyone who has had the misfortune to […]
7 Tips for hiring a water damage restoration company

As the best South Florida Public Adjuster we have worked with a wide range of home damage contractors and water damage restoration companies. After you read the 7 tips below, you should have a much better understanding of how to determine which companies you should trust to restore your damaged home. Isn’t living in South Florida awesome? […]
Protecting your home from South Florida hurricane damage

Protecting you home from South Florida hurricane damage is a process that every homeowner must face. As the summer months approach many Southern Florida residents start thinking about what the future hurricane season will bring. To be honest, no one really knows. However, it’s always important to be prepared for the worst. As South Florida […]
Why use a Public Adjuster in South Florida?

When you property suffers home damage from a fire, storm or flood, calling a public adjuster is the smartest decision a property owner can make. Serious home damage in South Florida can happen to anyone, and when it does it is often a frustrating and upsetting situation. Imagine coming home from an outing to find […]