If your home has suffered damage from a storm, fire, broken water pipe or hurricane a calling the best Broward County public insurance adjuster is your best option.
We also serve Palm Beach County and Martin County.
Website links that can save your home and your life.
As the best Broward County public insurance adjuster and South Florida community leader, we feel that keeping our area residents informed is extremely important. Since we have been in business we have been helping homeowners handle their home damage insurance claims through all types of disasters. Some of these homeowners have had plumbing leaks, that have resulted in some home damage, others have had more extensive damage. However, in almost case we have helped homeowners in Broward County, Palm Beach County and Martin County, receive larger damage settlement, with less stress, and with much faster results. Calling Fox Public Adjusters at (561) 789-4369 will save you time, money, aggravation, and let you get back to enjoying your live, without worrying about your home damage claim.
There is no question that South Florida is a wonderful place to live.
Unlike South Florida the winter months up north bring freezing cold temperatures, snow, ice and dreadful winter conditions. While many northerners are busy shoveling snow, or living staying indoors trying to keep warm, the people here in South Florida are busy enjoying the wonderful warm weather, beautiful beaches, fishing, golfing and many other outdoor activities that are too numerous to count. No wonder people are migrating to South Florida at such a rapid rate.
However, living in South Florida does require some adjustments and homeowners should be prepared for the difference in climate. This links provided by the best Broward County public insurance adjuster should help.
One of the biggest climate changes is the fact that the summer months here are very humid and hot. This explains why some part time residents migrate north in the summer. Referred to as “Snow Birds” by many of the full time South Florida residents, these visitors get to avoid the extra humid and hot temperatures that local full time homeowners must prepare for. While it many be extra humid and hot during the summer months almost all the residents in South Florida still love the life that living in South Florida provides. Personally, I love the extra warm ocean water and the fact that it’s a lot less crowded here in once the snow birds have left.
However, that warm Atlantic Ocean water also comes with a down side in the form of unpredictable storms and sometimes hurricanes.
As the company website writer I have lived in South Florida for over 17 years. In that time I have experienced many tropical storms and hurricanes. Now as somewhat seasoned pro myself, I have found that the extra effort required during hurricane season isn’t all that bad or difficult. However, residents should still take possible hurricane and storm damage seriously. Working for Fox Public Adjusters, I have become educated in all almost aspects of storm and hurricane preparedness. Below we have compiled a list of some of the most valuable website links which will help any homeowner better prepare for the summer months and hurricane season. I hope you will find these links helpful.
Who are we? & What makes Fox Public Adjusters the Palm Beach County, Martin County and Broward County’s best Public adjuster?
At Fox Public Adjusters our goal is to help South Florida homeowners better understand and prepare for the summer storm season. Often situations arise in which a clear-cut solution isn’t easily obtained. Most of these situations and disputes occur between the homeowner and their home insurance company. This is usually when a public adjuster is called. As the best Broward County public insurance adjuster it’s our job to represent the homeowner when the insurance company and the homeowner don’t agree on a settlement amount. In some cases the insurance company denies the claim entirely. The fact that we have hundreds of homeowners in Broward, Palm Beach, and Martin County who are happy with the results we have provided is a testament to our level of skill and professionalism. Based in Palm Beach County, and serving Broward County, Martin County as well as all of South Florida. We offer free home inspections in all the following towns; Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Wellington, Jupiter, Deerfield Beach, Lake Worth, Stuart, Palm Beach Gardens, Pompano Beach, Port St Lucie and all the other towns in Broward, Palm Beach and Martin counties.
Of course avoiding the need for an insurance claim in the first place is most important. This is why we have provided these 12 website links that area homeowners should find useful.
This first link is to an article, which will help homeowners with, denied insurance claims gain a better understanding of why a home damage claim would be denied. This article covers what a homeowner can do once they receive a denial letter. One of the solutions offered in this article is to utilize the help of a Public Adjuster such as our company. Hiring a public adjuster turns the tables on the insurance company because a public adjuster works for the homeowner and not for the insurance company. There is lots of good advise in this article, including the best way to dispute a denied claim. How to avoid having your claim denied in the first place, and why you should hire a public adjuster. Here are some links to articles we wrote on denied home damage claims. Home owner claim denied. How Fox Public Adjusters came to the rescue. Fight back and win your denied claim. Was you home damage claim denied?
What if you home damage claim is denied?
Our second link talks about hurricane preparedness. Just as sure at the sun will rise in the morning; we will enter another hurricane season next year. If you would like to cut back on the stress level that hurricane season could bring, than you should start to prepare now. Since we are now in November, there is no reason to panic. However, a few safety steps, along with stocking up on some supplies, will mean you will have less to worry about later. This link provides some tips on preparing for a storm or hurricane. The last tip in this article is to know your insurance policy. This is where the staff at Fox Public Adjusters can help. One call to us and we can review your policy and inform you of potential problems down the road. For example, some home insurance policies have a water damage limit. Of course this limit is not readily visible on the front page, it’s sometimes hidden in the fine print. A good public adjuster will know where to look. Other policies have a managed repair clause. This not seem like a big deal, however once you file a damage insurance claim and the contract includes managed repair, you will learn all the problems associated with Managed repair.
How to prepare for the summer storm season.
This third link will help renters and homeowners avoid getting dropped or canceled by their insurance company.
This is a situation that no one should take lightly. Not having home insurance is a big problem because when a disaster strikes a homeowner could find him or herself financially wiped out. Imagine having your home destroyed and no insurance to cover to rebuilding costs. You would still be responsible to pay the mortgage but have no home. This is a situation one should ever be in. This article lists some of the reasons why an insurance policy could be canceled. Some reasons are late payment, and filing too many unwarranted claims. Another reason to contract a South Florida pubic adjuster first, is to make sure the claim you intend to file is worth filing and won’t result in a canceled policy.
How to avoid getting dumped by your home insurance company.
This link provided by FloridaDisaster.org includes a complete supply kit checklist. Many of the items in the checklist you should have on hand regardless of a storm or hurricane is in the forecast. There is also information on flood problems, what to do with your pet of your home is flooded, your flood zone and more. As a public adjuster who handles problems in Palm Beach County, Broward County, and Martin County, you know for a fact that this link will provide helpful information when a storm or hurricane is in your area.
Because of South Florida warm and humid climate, mold is sometimes a home or business property problem. The link below will direct you to an extensive website that covers mold and mold damage. The key to keeping mold out of your home or business is letting your air conditioner keep the temperature down and allowing you air conditioner to remove the excess moisture from the air. Sometimes problems occur such as a broken plumbing pipe or a roof leak. In these cases the stagnant water entering your home will give mold the opportunity to grow. Most mold experts will state the it only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold growth to start after a water intrusion. The link below will take you to the Get Dry, Inc. website. Get Dry, Inc. is South Florida’s premier water damage and mold removal company. Their years of experience and extensive knowledge will insure that they can handle any water related home damage. Their website is loaded with lots of helpful information. If there is anything you would like to know about mold, water damage, roof damage, types of molds you will find it on this extensive website.
Get Dry, Inc. The water damage and mold damage experts
Are you buying a new home that may have mold damage? This situation happens more often than you may think. Clicking this link will take you to information on home sales and mold. While a homeowner could sell a mold infested home, most laws require the homeowner to disclose the mold problem. For more in this topic click the link below.

Should I say or should I run away from a mold damaged home.
Does you home have roof damage? There are many different types of roof damages and your home’s roof can become damaged in many different ways. Sometimes a homes roof is just too old, and deteriorate to the point in which it can’t repel rainwater any more. Other types of damage occur from lightening, wind, hail. South Florida, hurricanes have also damaged many roofs. At Fox Public adjusters, we have seen it all. We have also, helped homeowners receive settlements after their home insurance company has denied their roof damage claim. You can learn more about the different types of roof damage, by clicking the link below.
Once hurricane season begins it’s critical to make sure your windows have some sort of protection. In a hurricane any loose piece of debris could become a fast moving projectile. Even a small roof tile could smash through an unprotected window causing major home damage. Once a home or office building suffers a broken window lots of things could happen. First and the most obvious problem is rainwater entering through the window. The big problem here is the fact that once the storm or hurricane is over, there may not be any power, or anyone available to remove the moisture. This scenario is the classic case of mold growth, and with not help or power there is nothing anyone can do, except watch the mold grow.
The second result of a broken window could be complete compromise of the entire roof. We have lots and lots of buildings with walls and missing roofs. The positive airflow that could happen when hurricane force winds enter a home could pop a roof right off the homes frame. Protecting your home or business property’s windows should be the number one priority. The link below covers some of the different types of window protections available. In a hurricane, protecting your homes windows is a must. There is a good reason why Fox Public Adjusters is considered the Best Broward County Public Adjuster, part of this reason includes our years of experience, our help within the community and our professional attitude. In addition to Broward County, we also serve, Palm Beach County & Martin County.
The best types of window protection. Are your
What is Managed Repair? You will learn all about managed repair by clicking the link below. In a nutshell, managed repair is a tactic used by some home insurance companies to save the company money. I know that insurance many insurance companies say that managed repair helps insure a high quality provider serves the homeowner. But, if you do your research you will learn that many homeowners who have had damage repair work done with a managed repair provider have not been happy. As a matter of fact, they have been down right angry. Click the link below and learn all about Managed Repair.
FAPIA on the nightmare of managed repair.
Do you live in a flood zone? If you live in South Florida you should know if your home or business property is located in a flood zone. Have you ever heard to phrase, knowledge is power? In this case knowledge is more than power. Knowing if you live in a flood zone could help you protect your home, business and even save your life. The links below offer information on flood zones in West Palm Beach, Broward County and Martin County. My knowing your flood zone, you will know if you should stay or evacuate your area in a hurricane. Knowing you flood zone is also important if you are selling or buying a new home. Before you buy you should know if your potential new home is on a flood zone. I once visited a home, which was located close to the Florida everglades. When I arrived I found that his entire property was flooded by about 3 inches of water. It wasn’t raining and it had not rained for several days. When I asked where this water came from? He told me his homebuilder did not properly grade the land, and the everglades was now reclaiming the land. I don’t know whatever happened with this property, however one thing is for sure; you don’t want your home build in the middle of the Everglades.

Below are links that detail floods zones in Palm Beach County, Broward County, and Martin County.
West Palm Beach / Palm Beach County Flood Zones.
Broward County Flood Zone Information
As the Best Broward County Public Adjuster we always try our best to provide South Florida homeowners with the best possible information. Our goal is to help people avoid suffering home damage and stay safe in the face of storms and hurricanes. Our service to the community doesn’t end with storms and hurricanes. We also help South Florida homeowners receive proper home damage settlements when an insurance company wrongfully denies or underpays a claim.
To read more about our role as the best Broward County Public Adjuster, check out this article: News flash from a Broward County Public Adjuster.