How to handle an underhanded insurance adjuster

In the event of an insurance claim, you will need to speak to an insurance adjuster to establish the extent of the damage and to ensure you get the best settlement possible. In order to insure you receive an adequate settlement it’s vital you understand what the function of an insurance adjuster truly is, whose […]
7 Tips for hiring a water damage restoration company

As the best South Florida Public Adjuster we have worked with a wide range of home damage contractors and water damage restoration companies. After you read the 7 tips below, you should have a much better understanding of how to determine which companies you should trust to restore your damaged home. Isn’t living in South Florida awesome? […]
What you should know about your HVAC system.

As a South Florida homeowner it’s important to inspect and maintain your HVAC system. Did you know that many of the insurance claim nightmares are the result of un-maintained HVAC systems. Helpful information from a South Florida public adjuster. If you live in South Florida, having an experienced public adjuster in your area is a […]
Was your home Insurance Claim Denied? Fight Back!

If you live in Palm Beach County, Broward County or Martin County, and your home insurance claim was denied, don’t think it’s game over. Fight Back with a Public Adjuster. In our business as a public insurance adjuster, many of the calls we receive are the result of a denied home damage claim. Here in […]
Why hire a public adjuster in Florida?

When faced with home damage from a flood, fire, storm or hurricane calling a public adjuster in Florida is the best choice for receiving the best settlement. In almost every aspect of life people rely on items, services and products to deliver a certain result or outcome. For example, it’s reasonable to expect a new […]
Water damage & restoration in South Florida

Are you really in good hands? Important information on water damage in South Florida Read this informative article on water damage and restoration in South Florida to find out. The Washing Machine Leak. Here is a story from one of our recent South Florida clients who suffered water damage as a result of a washing machine […]
South Florida home damage (Video Page)

Our South Florida public adjuster video information blog. This blog page is filled with helpful videos that explains the hidden obstacles South Florida homeowners face when dealing with home damage. South Florida home damage can occur from a variety of accidental and natural mishaps. If you have damage to your home or business as a […]
How insurance companies deny or underpay settlements.

Helpful information from a South Florida public adjuster. When your home has suffered damage, or has been destroyed as a result of a hurricane, fire, flooding or a tornado, chances are you feel overburdened by the stress of the loss and the work of being asked to shop for the proper repair people. The thought […]