If you live in Palm Beach County, Martin County, or Broward County, hiring a public adjuster is the smartest decision you can make.
Insurance companies do serve a purpose. Homeowners pay a premium price over an extended period time. In return the insurance company protects you, your family and your property in the event ‘the worst’ ever happens. You pay them for peace-of-mind.
We are based in Boynton Beach and serve the entire South Florida area. If your insurance company has denied your damage claim, is dragging their feet processing your claim, or has underpaid your settlement, let us get you the settlement you are entitled to. Call (561) 789-4369
But the sad fact is what you thought was ‘the worst’ is very often just the start of it. Never-mind the trauma of your property being badly damaged or destroyed, your world turned upside-down, the process of claiming and hoping that maybe you will receive a fair settlement. Looking back at all those premiums were paying for all those years can be just as traumatic. Now that your home is damaged, you are stuck, and at the mercy of the insurance company. This is when you can only hope all those premiums you paid will result in a repaired or restored home.
When it comes time to claim what you paid for ‘fair’ is not the criteria insurance companies are governed by. They are businesses and corporations. Governed by stock-holders, profit forecasts and balance sheets. ‘Fair’ doesn’t come into it. Their only agenda is getting you to accept the least amount of money they can get away with. An amount that many grudgingly accept. Which is exactly what they are banking on. And exactly how they remain profitable.
What insurance companies don’t bank on, is the choice that smarter home-owners make – and are increasingly making- and that is: hiring a Broward, Martin or Palm Beach County public insurance adjuster.
For homeowners suffering with flood, fire, roof and other types of home damage calling a Public Adjuster, Broward County, or Martin County is the smartest move anyone can make. Many homeowner call us first and without hesitation, others unfortunately reach out to us after their insurance claim has been denied, of once they realize their settlement has been underpaid by a huge amount.
When you call your insurance company to make a claim, this is swiftly followed by a visit from their home damage insurance adjuster. Now at this stage you are glad to see them. The wheels are in motion, one step closer to ending this nightmare. What most people aren’t aware of is that these are no impartial assessors. These guys are actually on the insurance companies payroll and their job is to come back with an ‘assessment’ of the damage and money due that- surprise surprise- favours the insurance company themselves.
What happens then is you get an offer back that is below what you are expecting? You either accept it, “hey, these guys know what they are doing; I’m not happy with the amount but I need the money” (which is what they want, and are bargaining on happening a significant portion of the time) or you call in a public adjuster. Obviously calling a public adjuster is NOT what most home damage company adjuster want to see. There is a good reason why pubic adjusters exist in the first place. It’s not exactly fair that the company that collects to premiums gets to also decide how much is in the settlement.
Public adjusters DON’T work for the insurance company, they work for you. They are licensed and trained to inspect properties then correlate the damage according to the terms of the policy you paid for. Their only agenda is getting you what you have been paying for. ‘Fair’ and square.
Often public adjusters just get called in the event of a dispute with the insurers but there’s a strong argument they should be your first port-of-call. Why wait to get confirmation that insurance companies will try to short-change you THEN try to fix it? A second assessment can only help. Why wait til the horse has bolted before closing the gate?
And those aren’t the only reasons why smart homeowners hire public adjusters….
Below are some more reasons why hiring a Broward County, Martin County or Palm Beach County public insurance adjuster. is a really smart decidion
1 – They are familiar with the processes and paperwork, the policy types, the language used and the coverages. They have the knowledge to guide you on your rights and your best course of action. Not only do they take a lot of stress of your hand just when you need it but you can rest safe in the knowledge their advice truly has got your best interests at heart.
2 – Many public adjusters have crossed over from working for the insurance companies so they know the ploys used to justify lower settlements. Actually at Fox Public Adjusters, we started at building contractors, then worked as an insurance agent before deciding to help homeowner receive they fair settlement.
3- There are lots of loopholes and small-print that is hidden in some policies. Because we are experts in the area of insurance policies we can find the hidden loopholes that will prevent homeowners from receiving a proper settlement.
4- The jargon and legalese they try to bamboozle you with til you just take what you are given. Recently a homeowner hired us after months and month of getting the runaround regarding her claim. Her damaged home sat unprotected from the elements, only causing greater and greater roof damage. Once she hired us, we immediately covered her roof, then got her a fair settlement which covered more that the repair costs. After a few days, her roof was replaced, and the water damage from her broken roof was cleaned up and dried.
5- The cheap contractors they hire to lower the settlement. This trick falls into what is knows as “Managed Repair”. Sometimes an insurance will offer a discount on a premium if the homeowner agrees to let the insurance company pick the damage repair contractor. It all sounds great except, what happens when the homeowner is unhappy with the insurance company’s choice in contractors. Check out this article on a Managed Repair nightmare.
6- They sometimes use delay and denial tactics to drag out the process, hoping you’ll cave and take what you are offered. Take what you are given.
Many leave in disgust at the attempts they see every day to cheat decent hardworking homeowners out of what is rightfully theirs, and they can use this insider knowledge to your advantage. To ensure the same thing doesn’t happen to you.
Public adjusters also represent you in dealing with the insurers. Not only in the paperwork side of things but also liasing with the company themselves on your behalf. Another stress off your hands.
Calling a public adjuster before you have home damage, simply to review your policy is also a great idea. They can discuss the finer points of your policy from a background of knowledge and experience. They won’t be bluffed and bullied into accepting terms that are anything less than what is correct and fair. They can also advise you of your best interest if the insurers decide to adjust their offer down the line.
When hiring a Broward County, Martin County or Palm Beach County public insurance adjuster. there are rarely any out-of-pocket fees. Most public adjusters are only paid by contingency ie. when the insurers cover the claim. Fee’s are typically between 5-15%: the more experienced adjuster might be towards the top of the scale; and on bigger payouts their percentage is often smaller or capped.
But again, if you think that the percentage here is not only applicable upon payment but also after you have agreed a much more favourable deal than you likely would have received yourself, then the maths obviously stack up.
Because a Palm Beach County public insurance adjuster will provide an accurate and detailed claim, they also provide you with the best chance of getting a fair payout or settlement. It only makes sense that an insurance company in will only want to pay what they can get away with. Hiring a public adjuster takes away the element of chance and hope that somehow you have found the worlds one honest and thorough insurance company. Hiring a public adjuster is not just about avoiding an insurance company who’s mission is the save company money. Most public adjusters are more experienced than the typical run of the mill company insurance adjuster. Because a public adjuster is dependent on seeing that a homeowner is well taken care of the focus is on the side of the homeowner. Which side would you rather have represent you in a home damage claim?