Why smart homeowners hire public adjusters

Don't get pushed around by your insurance company

If you live in Palm Beach County, Martin County, or Broward County, hiring a public adjuster is the smartest decision you can make. Insurance companies do serve a purpose.  Homeowners pay a premium price over an extended period time.  In return the insurance company  protects you, your family and your property in the event ‘the worst’ ever happens.  You […]

Palm Beach County home damage | Was your claim denied?

Home insurance claim denied

If your home suffered damage from a storm, hurricane, broken plumbing pipe, lighting strike or any other unexpected event, and your home or property insurance company denied your claim we can help.  Under paying and denying home insurance claims is one way that some insurance companies save money, and maximize profits. Palm Beach County denied […]

Hidden signs your Palm Beach County house may have a plumbing problem

South Florida Plumbing Problems

As a public insurance adjuster in Palm Beach County, we have seen a huge increase in cast-iron plumbing problems.  The tropical environment of our area is conducive to accelerated plumbing issues that can result in a variety of home damages including water damage, mold, and electrical damage.  A SIMPLE and FREE home damage assessment could […]

Palm Beach County Public Adjuster insurance help.

What should you do if a water pipe bursts? We recently received an emergency phone call from a property owner who arrived home to find water gushing from the second floor of their Palm Beach County home.   The broken pipe created so much water, that the water saturated the ceiling’s sheetrock. Water was also dripping […]

Palm Beach County Public Adjuster

  What should a homeowner do, after the storm hits South Florida? As a Palm Beach County Public Adjuster we see all types of home damage from a wide range of hurricane related issues.  When you are faced with property damage from a flood, wind, lightning or heavy rain, calling a public insurance adjuster is […]

The ultimate guide to hiring a South Florida Public Adjuster

Guide to South Florida Public Adjusters

When South Florida homeowners are faced with unexpected damage from a flood, fire, wind or any other unexpected mishap they have two choices.  One call their insurance adjuster, two call a South Florida Public Adjuster. There are lots of excellent reasons why a home owner should call a Public Adjuster instead of simply turning the […]