How to protect your South Florida home from wind damage.

If you live in South Florida extreme weather, roof damage and wind damage is something you may be all-too-familiar with. You can avoid some of this by reading these tips from Fox Public Adjusters. Whether roof damage results from wear-and-tear over the years, or a more momentous single event, such as a hurricane, windstorm the […]
Tell-Tale Signs Your Bathroom Has A Leak

If your South Florida home has suffered water damage response time is critical. Rot, mold and mildew are only a few of the problems associated with water damage in South Florida. Bathroom water leaks are an unpleasant fact of life for homeowners everywhere. While there is no magic wand to eradicate the threat, the severity […]
Why call a public adjuster for fire damage in Florida.

When a homeowner faces fire damage in Florida, the stress, uncertainty and sadness It’s a given, if you are a homeowner you need insurance. Of course you hope you never need to put in a claim, but during most peoples life the unexpected happens. Sometimes the unexpected is only a small distraction. A small leak, […]
How to document your home insurance damage claim

Important and helpful information from South Florida’s best Public Insurance Adjuster If you have home damage and need a public adjuster in Miami, or a public adjuster in Palm Beach County, Martin County or Broward County call us at (561) 789-4369 The article below is part of Fox Public Adjuster’s mission to help, educate and […]
Roof damage scam hits Florida.

Reason why a homeowner should hire a Broward County, Palm Beach County, Martin County or Miami Dade County public adjuster at the first sign of home damage. When a hurricane or storm hits South Florida the results could be catastrophic. High winds could cause a wide range of home damage ranging from broken windows, to […]
How to tell a great Miami public adjuster from a bad one.

There are plenty of public adjusters in Miami, however not all the public adjusters are great or even good. Here are some tips on how to tell the good or great Miami public adjusters from the bad ones. The job of a public adjuster is much more than just looking at the damage calculating the […]
Public Adjuster Miami, New home water damage.

Why your new house could be even more vulnerable to water damage than your old one! You’ve just got the keys to your newly constructed ‘forever home’ and life is good. It’s a milestone to be celebrated, for sure, but with those shiny new surfaces and installations comes a hidden threat that rarely gets a […]
9 ways to maximize your home damage settlement

When faced with home damage calling the best public adjuster in South Florida is your only option. Call us at Fox Public Adjusters (561) 789-4369 Last year alone in the US there were 20 weather and climate disasters that caused property damages totalling over $1billion dollars each. As anyone who has had the misfortune to […]